Our unique, purpose-built technology makes the previously tedious, time-consuming management of students and courses simple itself. The collation and manipulation of information and data is a push-button operation.
We’ve listened to the experts – you, our customers – and have designed this system from the ground up to address every key frustration you’ve made us aware of.

The result is this fantastic fully automated business system that reduces workload and is effortlessly managed.
Keep track of assignment submissions and download them all for marking easily with just one click. I Learn It Easy significantly improves marking efficiency by enabling the setting and monitoring of deadlines. Assignments that are not marked within these timescales appear in an ‘overdue’ list which is only visible to staff users. Complaints about late feedback become a thing of the past. There is also a facility to fast-track students who need to complete their course quickly, enabling prioritization by assigning them to a specialist user group.
Add the complete course materials for your students to access anywhere, anytime online. Your students can work from a distance remotely, with everything they need to obtain their qualifications.
If you would like to find out more, please visit the website Online | Automated Education | Assignment Management System (ilearniteasy.com) and find out more information today.
Online | Automated Education | Assignment Management System (ilearniteasy.com)
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